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RFC-0101: XCM Transact remove require_weight_at_most parameter

Start Date12 July 2024
DescriptionRemove require_weight_at_most parameter from XCM Transact
AuthorsAdrian Catangiu


The Transact XCM instruction currently forces the user to set a specific maximum weight allowed to the inner call and then also pay for that much weight regardless of how much the call actually needs in practice.

This RFC proposes improving the usability of Transact by removing that parameter and instead get and charge the actual weight of the inner call from its dispatch info on the remote chain.


The UX of using Transact is poor because of having to guess/estimate the require_weight_at_most weight used by the inner call on the target.

We've seen multiple Transact on-chain failures caused by guessing wrong values for this require_weight_at_most even though the rest of the XCM program would have worked.

In practice, this parameter only adds UX overhead with no real practical value. Use cases fall in one of two categories:

  1. Unpaid execution of Transacts - in these cases the require_weight_at_most is not really useful, caller doesn't have to pay for it, and on the call site it either fits the block or not;
  2. Paid execution of single Transact - the weight to be spent by the Transact is already covered by the BuyExecution weight limit parameter.

We've had multiple OpenGov root/whitelisted_caller proposals initiated by core-devs completely or partially fail because of incorrect configuration of require_weight_at_most parameter. This is a strong indication that the instruction is hard to use.


  • Runtime Users,
  • Runtime Devs,
  • Wallets,
  • dApps,


The proposed enhancement is simple: remove require_weight_at_most parameter from the instruction:

- Transact { origin_kind: OriginKind, require_weight_at_most: Weight, call: DoubleEncoded<Call> },
+ Transact { origin_kind: OriginKind, call: DoubleEncoded<Call> },

The XCVM implementation shall no longer use require_weight_at_most for weighing. Instead, it shall weigh the Transact instruction by decoding and weighing the inner call.


No drawbacks, existing scenarios work as before, while this also allows new/easier flows.

Testing, Security, and Privacy

Currently, an XCVM implementation can weigh a message just by looking at the decoded instructions without decoding the Transact's call, but assuming require_weight_at_most weight for it. With the new version it has to decode the inner call to know its actual weight.

But this does not actually change the security considerations, as can be seen below.

With the new Transact the weighing happens after decoding the inner call. The entirety of the XCM program containing this Transact needs to be either covered by enough bought weight using a BuyExecution, or the origin has to be allowed to do free execution.

The security considerations around how much can someone execute for free are the same for both this new version and the old. In both cases, an "attacker" can do the XCM decoding (including Transact inner calls) for free by adding a large enough BuyExecution without actually having the funds available.

In both cases, decoding is done for free, but in both cases execution fails early on BuyExecution.

Performance, Ergonomics, and Compatibility


No performance change.


Ergonomics are slightly improved by simplifying Transact API.


Compatible with previous XCM programs.

Prior Art and References


Unresolved Questions

