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RFC-0121: Iterable Referenda Tracks

Start Date17 September 2024
DescriptionAllow dynamic modifications of referenda tracks at runtime without the need for a full runtime upgrade.
AuthorsPablo Dorado, Daniel Olano


The protocol change introduces flexibility in the governance structure by enabling the referenda track list to be modified dynamically at runtime. This is achieved by replacing static slices in TracksInfo with iterators, facilitating storage-based track management. As a result, governance tracks can be modified or added based on real-time decisions and without requiring runtime upgrades.


Polkadot's governance system is designed to be adaptive and decentralized, but modifying the referenda tracks (which determine decision-making paths for proposals) has historically required runtime upgrades. This poses an operational challenge, delaying governance changes until an upgrade is scheduled and executed. The new system provides the flexibility needed to adjust tracks dynamically, reflecting real-time changes in governance needs without the latency and risks associated with runtime upgrades. This reduces governance bottlenecks and allows for quicker adaptation to emergent scenarios.


  • Network stakeholders: the change means reduced coordination effort for track adjustments.
  • Governance participants: this enables more responsive decision-making pathways.


The protocol modification replaces the current static slice method used for storing referenda tracks with an iterator-based approach that allows tracks to be managed dynamically using chain storage. Governance participants can define and modify referenda tracks as needed, which are then accessed through runtime rather than being hardcoded in the protocol. This system ensures that tracks are adjustable at any time, reducing upgrade-related complexities and introducing agility in how governance tracks are applied. This modification does not disrupt existing governance mechanisms but rather enhances them by increasing adaptability.

In terms of technical structure, TracksInfo::tracks will now return iterators, making it possible to alter track configurations based on storage data rather than static definitions. This opens up possibilities for new track types and governance configurations to be deployed without the need for upgrades that might take up weeks.


The most significant drawback is the increased complexity for developers managing track configurations via storage-based iterators, which require careful handling to avoid misuse or inefficiencies.

Additionally, this flexibility could introduce risks if track configurations are modified improperly during runtime, potentially leading to governance instabilities.

Testing, Security, and Privacy

To ensure security, the change must be tested in testnet environments first (Paseo, Westend), particularly in scenarios where multiple track changes happen concurrently. Potential vulnerabilities in governance adjustments must be addressed to prevent abuse.

The proposal doesn't introduce privacy risks but increases the need for ensuring that any runtime changes do not inadvertently lead to insecure governance structures.

Comprehensive tests should be conducted to validate correct track modifications in different governance scenarios.

Performance, Ergonomics, and Compatibility


The proposal optimizes governance track management by avoiding the overhead of runtime upgrades, reducing downtime, and eliminating the need for full consensus on upgrades. However, there is a slight performance cost related to runtime access to storage-based iterators, though this is mitigated by the overall system efficiency gains.


Developers and governance actors benefit from simplified governance processes but must account for the technical complexity of managing iterator-based track configurations.

Tools may need to be developed to help streamline track adjustments in runtime.


The change is backward compatible with existing governance operations, and does not require developers to adjust how they interact with referenda tracks.

A migration is required to convert existing statically-defined tracks to dynamic storage-based configurations without disruption.

Prior Art and References

This dynamic governance track approach builds on previous work around Polkadot's on-chain governance and leverages standard iterator patterns in Rust programming to improve runtime flexibility. Comparable solutions in other governance networks were examined, but this proposal uniquely tailors them to Polkadot’s decentralized, runtime-upgradable architecture.

Unresolved Questions

  • How to handle governance transitions for currently ongoing referenda when changing configuration parameters of an existing track? Ideally, most tracks should not have to go through this change, but some tactics might be applied (like a proposal that reduces the ongoing queue before a major change and then executes the change, after a reasonable period of time has elapsed and no ongoing referenda exists for that track).

There are already two proposed solutions for both the implementation and

  • This Pull Request proposes changing pallet-referenda's TracksInfo to make tracks return an iterator.
  • There is already a proposed implementation of pallet-referenda-tracks, which stores the configurations, and implements TracksInfo using the iterator approach.